When it comes to growing a healthy lawn, it's important to nourish your yard early and often. Kick starting the season with our early spring fertilization puts your lawn on a firm foundation for beautiful growth, all summer long. By providing your lawn's root system with the proper nutrition before it begins to grow, you can ensure healthier, more beautiful grass. At D&G Nature's Way, our early spring services focus on protection against crabgrass while strengthening your turf.
March / April Fertilization
- Spring Fertilization: Our spring fertilization utilizes a 19-0-0 bag analysis. Focusing on nitrogen, this application builds proteins to develop a stronger blade and root structure to begin to green up your lawn in the spring.
- Crabgrass Prevention: Along with our fertilizer, this application includes a barrier to prevent crabgrass germination. By utilizing .10 dimension crabgrass pre-emergent, a top-of-the-line product, we will provide your lawn with long lasting control against crabgrass.
Our spring fertilization can be applied to your lawn by utilizing a liquid or granular form. We work with our clients to determine which application would work best for your grass, soil, and individual needs. During this application, any weeds that have begun to sprout will be spot treated at no additional charge.
Get your grass ready for the year with our early spring fertilization. Call or contact D&G Nature's Way today for your estimate.